THE BETA PIRATES (BETA KORSANLARI), Leslie Stevens tarafından 2 saatlik bir zaman dilimini alan yapım. 31 Ekim 1977 (Prod. #85274).
Dizinin ilk kuluçka aşamasındaki dönemlere bakış, Apollo karakteri Skyler olarak adlandırılmış, Boxey ise kimsesiz bir yetim olarak Athena tarafından ilgilenilen bir çocuk. Bu bölümde Athena, Boxey ve Muffit korsanlar tarafından yakalanarak, bir müzayede de satılır ardından bir Cylon hücresine nakledilirler, Skyler ve Starbuck ve altın kalpli bir korsan tarafından kurtarılırlar.
CROSSFIRE (ÇAPRAZ ATEŞ), John Ireland tarafından 1 saatlik zaman dilimi alan yapım. 30 Kasım 1977, orijinal bölüm ismi "The Nari of Sentinel 27".
Apollo karakterinin ismi Skyler, Saylonlular sürüngenler ve Lyra meclis üyesi olarak karşımıza çıkıyor.
FIRE IN SPACE(UZAYDA YANGIN), by Michael Sloan, a two-hour screenplay dated 22 June 1978. "Fire in Space" by Jim Carlson and Terrence McDonnell was rather broadly based on this script, which opens with Apollo, Starbuck, and Boomer undercover in a bar seeking information on the Cylon pursuit. Later, Starbuck is charged with murdering the husband of a woman he's been involved with, the Cylons, thanks to a new project codenamed "The Delta Factor", locate, attack and ram the Galactica, Apollo must lead a dangerous mission to obtain laser power packs for his father's surgery, aided by Starbuck dumping fire extinguishent on the fire with a viper, the true murderer tries to kill Boxey, who is a witness to the crime, but is foiled by Apollo, and of course everything works out in the end. Generally a very good script that should have been shot as is. Evidently Larson liked the basic ideas enough to recycle them; Jim Carlson and Terrence McDonnell, who wrote "Fire in Space" never saw the script but were given the basic plot Larson wanted followed and wrote under his direction. "Murder on the Rising Star", which is only superficially similar, was an original idea by Carlson and McDonnell but credit for "based on a story by" was given to Sloan for legal reasons since he had previously submitted a script with a murder in it.
SHOWDOWN, by Frank Abatemarco, a one-hour screenplay dated 5 July, 31 July, 3 August, and 15 August 1978 (Prod. #50903).
Renegade hangar crewmen steal a shuttle and three land probes, the flying motorcycles of G80, built for this evidently very nearly filmed episode, and terrorize a settlement on a recently-discovered planet before Apollo and Starbuck stop them. Like most of the early, unfilmed scripts, features Athena prominently.
THE MUTINY, by Guy Magar, a one-hour screenplay dated 2 October 1978 (Prod. #50914).
Fairly silly script in which everyone decides they're tired of the journey and desert the Galactica and the fleet to settle a habitable planet. Naturally the Cylons arrive just in time to cure the Colonials of their delusion.
I HAVE SEEN EARTH, by Steve Kreinberg and Andy Guerdat, a one-hour screenplay dated 26 October 1978, revised 3 November 1978 (Prod. #50911).
Concerns a prospector who has to abandon an asteroid with a solid gold core when the Cylons arrive; he claims to have been to Earth and endears Boxey to him with his colorful tales. Everyone doubts his veracity, but in the end he gives Boxey a medallion with Earth's continents engraved on it. The version available in fandom is evidently that rewritten by Jim Carlson and Terrence McDonnell; this is the only one of the early, unshot scripts they saw when they joined as story editors. Their version was apparently being considered for a second-season script.
TWO FOR TWILLY, by Jim Carlson and Terrence McDonnell, a one-hour screenplay dated 12 December 1978, revised 22 December 1978 (Prod. #50923). According to Anne Lockhart, it was nearly filmed -- the script was passed out, then withdrawn. A soap opera concerning a friend of Starbuck and Apollo who has wives all over the fleet, the basic idea, according to Carlson and McDonnell, came from a 50s Alec Guinness film, "Captain's Paradise".
FINAL FLIGHT/RETURN OF STARBUCK by Glen A. Larson. Its original title and dates are unknown ("Final Flight" is from a rumor, so may not be definitive), but according to Stu Phillips and Richard Hatch, this G80 episode was based on a second-season BG script. In the original version, Starbuck was shot down on a deserted planet, reconstructed Cy for company, and met up with a woman who had landed on the planet after fleeing from some sort of trouble. Starbuck selflessly sent her back to her world in the escape craft he and Cy had made, and was fortunately rescued himself by Boomer. Guesswork suggests that only the Starbuck/Cy dialogue in the G80 version is a direct survivor of the original.
THE WHEEL OF FIRE, a one-hour screenplay by Louise R. Kelley, Alan S. Young, story by Alan S. Young, dated 25 March 1980 (Prod. #55120). This is a sequel to Galactica 1980's last episode "The Return of Starbuck". In pursuit of Xaviar, his Viper about to be destroyed by Cylon fire, Troy is captured and taken aboard the Ship of Lights, where he meets Starbuck. Starbuck is now one of the "guardians of the Universe", who assigns Troy on a special mission -- to follow Xaviar (and the Cylon craft) into Earth's distant past (592 B.C.) and prevent the potential damange to Earth's history. At the same time, Adama sends Dillon and Jamie to the same period, where they rescue the pair, destroy the Cylon Raider and return to the present. In the resulting confusion, Xaviar's ship is lost. The "Wheel of Fire" refers to the way the burning Cylon wreck crashed to the Earth, and tries to tie the event to the famous vision from the Old Testament prophet Ezekiel.